Friday, November 23, 2007

JCDC is seeking Expressions of Interest

The Board of Directors of the Johnstown Community Development Co-operative Ltd. (JCDC) invites Expressions of Interest. Our purpose is to sell or lease the seven acre waterfront property located at 15281 highway 4, Johnstown, Richmond County, Nova Scotia. Be advised that the criteria for evaluation will include, but will not be limited to, consideration of community input through the establishment of covenants for use of part of the land and to ensure sustainable development of the portion being sold/leased. Interested parties are asked to submit their expressions of interest in writing to Ms. Rita Campbell, Board Chair, Johnstown Community Development Cooperative Ltd., 15281 hwy 4, Site 16, Comp 7, RR#1, St. Peter’s, NS B0E 3B0 by December 31, 2007.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Aerial photo of JCDC property - circa 1990's

We'll be adding some pictures of the JCDC site in the next few days. Scroll to the bottom of the blog page to see them.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Special Resolution passed at November 3 meeting of JCDC

Special Resolution

That JCDC Ltd. Board of Directors continue to seek partners such as the Episcopal Corporation of the Diocese of Antigonish and/or a Developer to follow up on the study of Vibe Creative Group commissioned by ECBC keeping in mind the Guiding Principles of the ECBC report which are to lease/sell the property, to ensure community control over development by establishing covenants for use, to pursue intentional development on the site and to ensure sustainable development through community support for any initiatives regarding the use of the property. To ensure transparency the Board will report to the membership and the broader community with recommendations by March 1, 2008.

JCDC and District 10 Fire Department Update

In October JCDC received a letter from the Fire Department indicating that they no longer wished to honour the option-to-lease and would like to receive back the money they paid for the option. The Board met and agreed to direct that amount of money to the Fire Department when it is viable to do so. A letter has been sent to the Fire Department Chair indicating this.